Friday, June 12, 2009

E-News from Tom: 05/22/09

Hello E-News Friends,

Do you remember the first time you rode a bike? Do you remember a great vacation your family went on? Do you remember when your kids were born? Do you remember your first “sloppy wet kiss”? Do you remember how it felt when you knew school was over and summer was starting?

This weekend we are going to do some remembering together. We are going to remember those who gave their lives defending our freedom and we are going to remember the One who gave His life to set us free from sins ultimate payment.

If you are like me as a Christ-Follower, then you amaze yourself by how often you take the sacrifice Jesus made with his life on your behalf for granted. This should be the bold headline that I always have on my mind: JESUS LOVES ME (US). JESUS GAVE HIS LIFE FOR ME (US). REMEMBER. GOD SENT HIM TO TAKE AWAY OUR PUNISHMENT OUT OF HIS LOVE FOR YOU AND ME, AND IT WAS COSTLY. REMEMBER.

This week will help us all to remember. We will share communion together in the E-Service. As our King once said, “Do this in remembrance of me.”

See you Sunday!

In His grace,

PS! Can you believe it? We are going to have an open house Sunday at the Oak Bridge Center (By Home Depot off of Lindbergh) from 12:30-3:30. We are going to have beverages and light snacks. Come on by! You are going to love it! It really is phenomenal!

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