Thursday, August 13, 2009

E-News from Tom: 08/13/09

Hello E-News Friends,

We continue our series, “My ID in Christ” this week. If you missed the opener last week you can go to and listen to it. I believe it will be worth your time. Plus it is the base we want to build off this week. Knowing where we stand with Christ is essential if we are to take the next step to move closer towards Him. Do you know what your next step is? Sunday should help.

A quick word about “The Edge” student worship service this past Sunday night, it was awesome!—super in every aspect. It’s one of those “very glad to be a Christ-follower at Oak Bridge” moments. That was backed up by a packed “Understanding the Bible” class which was something I am very proud to be a part of. It is always a privilege to help people (myself included) trust in God’s inspired word more.

A big thanks to all of you who serve at Oak Bridge. You are changing lives of more people than you will ever know. You are a difference maker to so many. As a team we can accomplish so much more for Christ than as individuals. Thanks again! It’s an honor to serve with you.

In His Amazing Grace,

P.S. - Pray for all of our students as they start back to school. For many it is a scary time. Pray for wise decisions!

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