Friday, January 29, 2010

E-News From Tom: 01/29/10

Hello E-News Friends,

“If you’re in awe, you won’t say awwwww.” “You can’t trust your emotions.” These sum up our last two weeks of messages. If you’ve missed them, I would encourage you to go to and listen to them. I think God might speak to your heart as you do. This week we continue our “Wisdom Leads” series with a message titled “What Chair Do You Sit On?” (No, it’s not about Lazy Boys or Love Seats, although the Lazy Boy is a great gift from God!) It is a must hear wisdom teaching of God. For young people this can be a make or break life message. Please be there if you can! We introduce a new song this week titled “The Stand,” and you are gonna love it. We will use it as our wisdom anthem over the next few weeks of this series.

I am pumped up about what God is doing in our lives through Oak Bridge. We had almost 1100 (Wow!) in attendance last week as people continue to seek the one who loves us most and offers the truth to a fuller life in this world (and the next). It is a privilege to be a part of what He is doing. Keep inviting people. You are making a big difference in their journey with God! Hope to see you (and your friends)Sunday!

Growing together in His wisdom and love,


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