Friday, June 11, 2010

E-News from Tom: 06/11/10

Hello E- News Friends,

I hope your summer is going well. For some of you that could mean no sunburns, no mosquito bites, no dandelions in the lawn, and no air conditioner melt downs. For others that could mean vacations, Cardinal baseball, barbecues, and swimming pools. Can you believe it is the middle of June already!?

I want to challenge you to a little extra summer excitement in the form of internet exploring. If you want to hear some great messages go to (Andy Stanley is the bomb!), (Bill Hybels is wise beyond belief!), (John Ortberg is funny and deep, a rare combo!). I hope you bookmark these sites and make them a regular part of your spiritual growth plan. That is assuming you have a spiritual growth plan. Like regular Sunday attendance, involvement with serving, studying the Bible, prayer, singing worship songs (We sing five great ones this weekend.), and Christian community (Which Herc is addressing Sunday!). Sundays at Oak Bridge are an important part (both fun and informative)of my spiritual growth plan. I hope yours as well.

Looking forward to summer growth with Jesus. A lot of it through the above web sites and Oak Bridge as well! Check those sites out and let me know what you think about them! See you at OB Sunday! Why don't you invite a friend? You never know...

In His Grace,

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