Friday, August 20, 2010

E-News from Tom: 08/20/10

Hello E-News Friends,

Congratulations to all of you! Because you share your faith in our Savior with your friends and family, we have run out of room at Oak Bridge Keller. (A very good problem to have!) Because you have given of your resources and talent we have another attendance option at the 10:45 service hour beginning this Sunday at Oak Bridge Center Lindbergh. (A great option to have!) The facility is ready to go and people are being put in place to meet all the ministry needs at the OBC. I believe you are going to do and see great things done for God in your lives and many others at this location. What a privilege to be part of! You are going to love it! (Hopefully we run out of room here in the future as well!)

This Sunday we continue our series “One Visit Can Change The Way You Think About Church.” I am excited about the message and know this is a great week to invite your unchurched (or churched) friends and family. We will be looking at religion versus relationship, always an interesting topic!

Can life get much better… Golden Corral, Chick-Fil-A, and now another location for us to worship our King together!

Wow! I love our God and what He is doing at Oak Bridge!

In His grace and love,

PS Keep Herc in your prayers as he leads in the position of OBC Campus Pastor. I know he is looking for people who want to serve God there and grow in their love for Him and His treasured children. Like I said earlier, what a privilege to be part of!

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