Monday, February 21, 2011

E-News from Tom: 2/18/11

Hello E-News Friends,

We finish our THEP series this week. Who would have thought a made up word would have been so important to my life the past few weeks? I’ll share with you this weekend a love Thep I took. I hope that word has helped you to become more of a thinker and doer when it comes to following Jesus.

After this week we start a new series titled, “Bleezeglo”, another made up word…just kidding! Our next series it titled “Hinges.” You can try and guess what some of our teaching will be about. That begins February 27. It should be fun!

I hope you can be there Sunday. It will be another worthwhile trip to learn about and worship our Father together. God is doing amazing things at Oak Bridge! We are truly blessed.

You hold the invitation for someone you know to visit OB this weekend. It is on the tip of your tongue. Your fingertips are ready to text it or E-mail it out. God is entrusting you with it. THEP it! Life after life has been changed through an invite to Oak Bridge. You just never know how God is going to use your invite!

A blessing to be a part of the Oak Bridge family.

In His grace and love,


PS The Edge is Sunday at the OBC! Doors open @ 6:30. As always, it will be a great night for our students to worship their King! (and some of us older students as well!)

PSS Sunday is Funday!

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