Thursday, April 15, 2010

E-News: 04/15/10

Detour (5th and 6th Graders)
Detour Service will be Sunday, April 18, at the Oak Bridge Center from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Lunch/Pizza will be served. Invite all of your 5th and 6th grade friends and relatives.

Married Life Live
Married Life Live at the Oak Bridge Center is on Sunday, April 25 (Doors open at 5:30pm; Dinner at 6:00; and Program at 7:00). Married Life Live is an awesome date night for married, engaged, and dating couples. The cost is $25/couple. This is the same MLL that we held in March for all of you on the “waiting list”. Everyone, including those on the previous “waiting list” must sign up and purchase a ticket. Tickets are available at the Information Center.

Baptism Service
On Sunday, May 2, at 4pm Oak Bridge will have a baptism service at the Oak Bridge Center, 7575 S. Lindbergh Blvd. Everyone is welcome to come celebrate with those being baptized. If you are interested in being baptized, sign up at the Information Center or speak with Tom Noblitt (314-846-1037) or Herc Noblitt (314-846-7066). Baptism classes will be held Sunday, April 18 and 25 at 9:15am at Oak Bridge Keller.

Baby Dedications
Oak Bridge will have baby dedications on Sunday, May 2, during E-Service for those parents who would like to dedicate their babies to God. Baby dedication is not baptism. Baby dedication is a ceremony in which believing parents make a commitment before the Lord to submit a child to God's will and to raise that child according to God's Word and God's ways. Christian parents who dedicate a child are making a promise to the Lord to do everything within their power to prayerfully raise the child in a godly way until the child can make a decision on his or her own to follow God. Parents should sign up at the Information Center and attend a mandatory class on either Sunday, April 18 or 25 at 9:30 am in the UpStreet room at Oak Bridge Keller. Questions should be directed to Craig Nall (314-846-9297).

Big Stuf Camp (July 24 – July 30)
Payment for camp is due in full on Sunday, May 9. Please have camp money and forms turned in on or before this date. If you need forms, visit Oak Bridge’s website or contact Katie Noblitt (314-303-4267).

Big Stuf Camp - Parent Meetings
Parents of students going to Big Stuf must attend one of the scheduled parent informational meetings as follows:

Parents of “Veteran” Campers: Tuesday, May 18, at 7:00 p.m. at the Oak Bridge Center or Sunday, June 13, at 9:00 Oak Bridge Keller

Parents of “Rookie” Campers: Thursday, May 208, at 7:00 p.m. at the Oak Bridge Center or Sunday, June 13, at 9:30 a.m. at Oak Bridge Keller

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