Monday, April 5, 2010

E-News from Tom: 04/05/10

Hello E-News Friends,

Wow, what a great day yesterday! We sang to, prayed to, and spoke about our Savior in record numbers. As over 1,300 attended our Oak Bridge services! You all must have put out a “divine invitation” to your friends and family. It was my prayer that God would meet with each of them in an unmistakable way. I hope He did just that for you as well.

If you were at Oak Bridge Keller for either service you saw the lines of people. (You might have been in those lines.) Please etch that memory in your mind. Lines formed to go into a place to excitedly learn about and worship our King!

I am asking each of you to pray for Oak Bridge Lindbergh as you call to mind those lines. Next year there will be no room for your invitees at OB Keller. If it wasn’t obvious to you before Sunday it should be to you now; we are simply at capacity for that location. What a great thing to be able to say!

Thank God that He has blessed with another location to pour ourselves into so that the Kingdom of God through Oak Bridge can continue to expand in our families and friends’ lives. Only God knows who and how many of His treasured children will eventually come to love His Son through the OB Lindbergh location, but we believe it can accommodate over 800 people before it reaches its capacity. Won’t that be a great day to celebrate!

The children’s area is in the last turn as it gets painted (see my PS on that) and carpeted this week. It will be a beautiful space for our children to learn about the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (yours and mine…and theirs).

Please pray for Herc and his teams as they are assembled over the summer for a major grand opening to the public in August. Pray for the role God wants you to play at OB Lindbergh. It will be a place of life-change for so many!

The words of Jesus:

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33

He is RISEN!

I hope to see many of you in your “42” t-shirts next week. Thank God for forgiveness through His Son. What an amazing gift!

In His Grace,

PS We could use your help with painting this week at Oak Bridge Lindbergh. Each day from Tuesday through Thursday we will begin painting at 10:30. Any time you can donate to help would be appreciated. (You can imagine how bad I am at painting!) So we need you to overcome my shortcomings! All the paint stuff will be supplied.

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