Friday, June 19, 2009

E-News from Tom: 06/19/09

Hello E-News Friends,

I hate losing. The Cardinals lost last night and that bugs me. I don’t feel good even thinking about it. I just lost in internet backgammon game and that bugs me. (He was unbelievably lucky.) As I write this I am asking myself (and you), do I hate losing in life as much as I hate losing in games? Think about it a second.

What am I doing daily to win (following Jesus)? Am I even bugged much about a loss (not following Jesus)? Who benefits from my wins and who gets hurts by my losses? Think about it another second. A lot is at stake.

We finish the series “Winning and Losing” this Sunday. We will fill in this sentence, “I don’t have to be ______.” Can you guess what goes in the blank? It makes a huge difference in winning and losing in life.

Quick review: Week 1 “I Am Second”. Week 2 “Tools of God” (Word Up, Turn Around, Follow Him). Week 3 “God’s Glue” (Jesus is all about grace and truth).

To all the Dads, I hope you have a great “Father’s Day” this Sunday. Oak Bridge is a great choice to start off your day. (It’s a win!)

Hope to see you!

In His grace,

PS: I am so ready for the OB Center to officially kick-off with Family Life Live tonight @ 6:00 (Friday). It will be fun! You can still sign-up for Tuesday night’s class “Oak Bridge: Why, What, How?” from 6-9 pm @ OBC.“The Edge” student service is June 28th! Can it get any better? (These are all a win as well!)

Friday, June 12, 2009

E-News from Tom: 05/18/09

Hello, E-News Friends:

Here is a quick statistic for you. Last week our attendance was 876. On the same Sunday three years ago it was 229. Up 282%! If we would keep up the same pace for the next three years our attendance in 2012 would be 2,470. Wow!

I am reminded of a verse found in the Book of Acts in the Bible. It describes the first church. We call it the Acts 2 Church because it is described in Acts 2:42-47. The verse is the last one, “And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”

I know God has thought up, built up and driven Oak Bridge. I never forget the fact this local expression of His Body is His idea. I am just thankful God has allowed me to be a part of it, just as He has allowed you to be a part of it. That is why I am so excited about
the OB (Oak Bridge) Center. It will be fun to see how God uses this facility “to add to the number daily those who are being saved.”

God does love our families, our friends, our community, and us. I believe God will use the OB Center to show many His love as we continue to follow His Son in action and faith.

I’m looking forward to meeting 1500 or so new faces over the next few years, and feeling bad because I can’t remember many of their names. But I know God knows their names.

Exciting time to be around OB! As we keep following the King!

In His grace and truth,


P.S. Lifehouse Everything Drama is posted on YouTube:

E-News from Tom: 05/22/09

Hello E-News Friends,

Do you remember the first time you rode a bike? Do you remember a great vacation your family went on? Do you remember when your kids were born? Do you remember your first “sloppy wet kiss”? Do you remember how it felt when you knew school was over and summer was starting?

This weekend we are going to do some remembering together. We are going to remember those who gave their lives defending our freedom and we are going to remember the One who gave His life to set us free from sins ultimate payment.

If you are like me as a Christ-Follower, then you amaze yourself by how often you take the sacrifice Jesus made with his life on your behalf for granted. This should be the bold headline that I always have on my mind: JESUS LOVES ME (US). JESUS GAVE HIS LIFE FOR ME (US). REMEMBER. GOD SENT HIM TO TAKE AWAY OUR PUNISHMENT OUT OF HIS LOVE FOR YOU AND ME, AND IT WAS COSTLY. REMEMBER.

This week will help us all to remember. We will share communion together in the E-Service. As our King once said, “Do this in remembrance of me.”

See you Sunday!

In His grace,

PS! Can you believe it? We are going to have an open house Sunday at the Oak Bridge Center (By Home Depot off of Lindbergh) from 12:30-3:30. We are going to have beverages and light snacks. Come on by! You are going to love it! It really is phenomenal!

E-News from Tom: 06/12/09

Hello E-News Friends,

I’m looking forward to the first official event at the Oak Bridge Center. (If you haven’t seen the OBC yet, it is awesome!) Family Life Live is going to be a great evening of fun, teaching, and community. Herc has told me we can now open this night up to all people! (Not just ones with kids in grade school.) Singles, couples, old, young, Cards fans, even Cubs fans, so sign-up this Sunday! You will have a super evening! It is Friday, June 19 at the OBC. Dinner starts at 6 pm and the program 7 pm. (Doors open at 5:30pm).

How are you doing at keeping yourself second? Have you been using any of the tools our Father has given us? (Word up, turn around, follow Him). This week we will continue to learn how to win in this life. The message is titled, “The Glue of God”. If you know of any broken people make sure you do your best to get them to Oak Bridge this Sunday. I am confident God has a divine appointment scheduled for them. Maybe your heart and life has some cracks in it. “God’s glue” might be just what you need as well. I know mine does. Hope to see you Sunday!

In His grace (which is amazing),

PS: If you are a Cubs fan and sign up for Family Life Live you might be charged double. I personally believe that is appropriate. (Not Christ-like, but appropriate.)